Aww yeah! MVGEN is going to be demo’ing in NYC on 4/17 with NY MUSIC TECH meetup! Join the group and come meet us there!
Let’s make videos!
In fact, go ahead and make some great videos and we’ll pick one to show the audience!
Aww yeah! MVGEN is going to be demo’ing in NYC on 4/17 with NY MUSIC TECH meetup! Join the group and come meet us there!
Let’s make videos!
In fact, go ahead and make some great videos and we’ll pick one to show the audience!
Aww yeah! MVGEN is on product hunt! Go vote us up or leave a comment!
It also looks like we will be demoing in NYC on 4/17 at Music Tech
Check them out on MEETUP and join!
Hey guys i just got off my directing duties on a new music video (gif is a scene from it above) to come home to MVGEN YouTube channel has crossed 800,000 plus views!
We on our way to 1,000,000 Views! Of course it’s all for you music creators to have a wide audience to share your music to.
Make sure you subscribe to the Youtube Channel.
Pretty please with sugar on top?
Just an update on our tech progress:
User Accounts Beta: 90%
Video LIKES: 90%
Let us know what new features you’d like to see! We have been tracking them and they are coming!
Yeah! We reached YAM! Yet Another Milestone. 400,000+ Views on the MVGEN Youtube channel featuring great music and videos from artists from around the world. We Tipple our Fedoras to you!
We are stoked and so should you be – that means the videos you make and if you opt-in to send it to YouTube will get tons of views – which is really part of our larger mission: To get your music out there and heard and seen by as big of an audience as you want. We love that the videos are getting better and better!
We also made a few changes around the place with more to come. Here is a list:
Search In The Archives:
Now you can search the archives for your own videos or for other incredible videos from other artists!
New Rendering Engine:
We rebuild the rendering engine and flushed the database of all the broken GIFS. The engine flags and removes all GIFS that would cause unpredictable renders some times. Not anymore! We also changed the process for splicing the GIFS and we are super pleased with the results. There also was a change in Quicktime that needed a new render formula. Old videos will be converted to the new MP4 cross platform version soon.
One New Effect! Bubble Warp!:
Pick this and it goes all weird and warped thanks to some advanced mathematics!
Sorry for the delay on effects. I had some real world music videos that premiere in May coming out!
Also small changes like automatic naming convention for youtube/soundcloud/bandcamp, and general code improvements.
We got a huge TODO list I won’t burden you with here, but remember please consider a donation – we are trying to rock without ads for as long as possible. Your donations go toward server costs. Even a dollar or a little bitcoin means a lot! You can also consider buying a some MVGEN merchandise too!
Also please subscribe to Tumblr / Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud / Reddit / Youtube and spread the word!
Never hesitate to email us with ideas or comments. K! Go make videos!