Aww yeah! MVGEN is on product hunt! Go vote us up or leave a comment!
It also looks like we will be demoing in NYC on 4/17 at Music Tech
Check them out on MEETUP and join!
Aww yeah! MVGEN is on product hunt! Go vote us up or leave a comment!
It also looks like we will be demoing in NYC on 4/17 at Music Tech
Check them out on MEETUP and join!
So the number one requested feature was private videos – and now it’s here! When you create a video when you have an user account. It is automatically private until you decide to make it public. No one can see if except for you!
We launched a newsletter than will go out like once a month to let you know the newest features and new and update you on how your videos are performing. In the newsletter we annouced for instance our newest crazy font additions for titles. Sign up for a user account today!
We also have a top secret hardware project to help stream gifs to your television set, or on a projector to have fun at parties or just kick back and zone out. It’s called the GIFBOX and you can pre-order one now for $85!
Hey guys! Thank for the donations! We put it toward server costs and it gave us time
to cook up a ton of new title effects for you! More font options to customize your videos the way you want!
Here’s just a few:
Stay tuned. More CRAZY filters coming soon and some hardware thats going to blow your mind!
Once again the donations are welcome! They mean a lot to the team as we work overtime to bring you new features!
OMG! We got a slew of new filters coming online as promised. Here is a run down of them:
REVOLVER: Rotates the GIFS. There will be multiple speeds , but pair this with a frame rate to change the flow
RING OF FIRE: A literal ring of fire around the frame. Burn Baby Bury like disco inferno.
FIRES OF HELL: A roasting flame coming up from down below.
ETHEREAL SHIMMER: Ghostly haunting sprites float around. Dreamy. <3
CYBERPUNK: A series of high tech overlays for that cyberpunk feel. [ Still in Beta ]
GEOMETRIC ABUSE: A series of geometric patterns overlaid to mess with your head. [ Still in Beta ]
STAB TO DEATH: When you feeling aggressive this filter with stab the gifs and make them bleed. Society is to blame.
SHIA LABOUF: Not sure why one would need this, but it is there if you do!
DISCO: Flashing strobe lights like a discotheque or is that disco tech?
SPOOKY DISCO: This will do a intense inverse flash. Warning this thing is intense and could trigger epileptic fits.
Please don’t overdose! Use your filters responsibly!:
Don’t worry there are even more filters the way before the year end.
We are about to preview a Beta Redesign of the site.
We also knocked out a few bug fixes, related to submitting audio and it’s metadata. That’s all good!
It might be time to expand what kind of audio we can take in to include some other audio services.
Also thank you for 20k+ youtube views! Awesome! Subscribe and spread the word. Also check out the reddit channel and subscribe!
The fire rises my friends. Make videos. Do good.