Aww yeah! MVGEN is on product hunt! Go vote us up or leave a comment!
It also looks like we will be demoing in NYC on 4/17 at Music Tech
Check them out on MEETUP and join!
Aww yeah! MVGEN is on product hunt! Go vote us up or leave a comment!
It also looks like we will be demoing in NYC on 4/17 at Music Tech
Check them out on MEETUP and join!
As some of you may have noticed, for awhile now, the MVGEN SoundCloud functionality wasn’t working. There were other things going on at the time that took up our time. One of our team has moved cross country. I recently got a new dayjob that’s been taken some time to straighten out schedule-wise. And also to get the day to day routine down.
But suddenly one day in the last 4 or 5 months SoundCloud stopped working. There was much hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth at the prospect. It was mystifying, we didn’t know what might have changed and I at the time didn’t have the mental bandwidth to think about it, as I mentioned, other things were going on.
We did get some good error message feedback, which is always the starting point in an issue like this. At first blush, it appeared to be a upload tool version issue. But that wasn’t it. Then, I thought maybe the URLs we were using weren’t escaped or typed in correctly, that wasn’t the issue either. Finally, I capitulated and went with the prevailing wisdom (began to agree with John that the issue was with the version of Python running on the server). We went around the bush a couple times trying to get Python updated, installing mod_wsgi into Apache so that it would accept Python apps and serve them to the web.
This created a whole different suite of issues. Mainly, I inadvertently knocked out PHP when attempting to get mod_wsgi installed and configured. Then, we had more issues with a daemon that everyone forgot about until the last minute that was breaking the video creation step. Finally, we got that fixed – all of which took the better part of Sunday – and then I looked at the SoundCloud issue again with fresh eyes. I started to put the youtube-dl tool through the paces. Every time it errored it gave a recommendation: “see the youtube-dl –help for more details.”
I checked through this and found a way to enter username and password info, and some other interesting tidbits that allow you to ***. None of this really helped though. So I took to Stack Overflow. And yes, maybe I should have looked there first but when troubleshooting one must move systematically. I quickly found an article that explains how to use the SoundCloud API to download a song by the track ID. And there it was, the crack of sunlight shot through the end of the tunnel. I could taste the beginning of the fix coming, and it would be sooner not later.
So after some clicks and copy-pasting I got a API URL with the track ID in it. I plugged that into youtube-dl et voila! No more SSLv3 error message, in fact there was no error message at all, the mp3 downloaded and the verbosity of the output told me it was the song I wanted and the correct artist name and track name. Halleluyer! This was it, this was the workaround, and no Python upgrade necessary! And let me talk about that a bit too.
Updating Python outside of what comes with the OS is a HEAD ACHE. I don’t recommend it, in fact virtualenvs exist seemingly, solely for the purpose of being able to run another version of Python alongside the system version without clobbering installations. Even if you get a 2nd Python version running you have to reinstall ALL of your modules and dependencies. Along with this being a waste of space, it’s just bad because what if something gets crossed up in the process? Bad scene for business.
At any rate, since I got the API track ID working with youtube-dl it was only a matter of adjusting our backend code a bit to work. This is where John valiantly jumped in and saved the day. In a matter of a few hours he’d coded the workaround into our main branch and suddenly SoundCloud upload was working again!
It’s been a long time coming, and we learned a lot in this process. Much of it had to do with patience and tenacity and good old fashioned troubleshooting the latter of which seems to be a skill I’ve done well to master over the years.
Enjoy SoundCloud upload everyone!
Happy Generating
Hey guys! Thank for the donations! We put it toward server costs and it gave us time
to cook up a ton of new title effects for you! More font options to customize your videos the way you want!
Here’s just a few:
Stay tuned. More CRAZY filters coming soon and some hardware thats going to blow your mind!
Once again the donations are welcome! They mean a lot to the team as we work overtime to bring you new features!
Hey guys! We finally have user accounts! Sign up now!
Now you can control your MVGEN videos. You can delete them or remake them!
You can send them to our Youtube Channel for promotion – or take them down when YOU want to.
You can even add metadata to your songs – like your social media links, website or soundcloud page!
More information soon!
Oh! And there is a secret little trick you can do in the code now. You can repeat a keyword by using the notation x.
For example you could do DOG x10
in the keyword box and MVGEN will pull TEN dog gifs in a row saving you time from typing >DOG ten times.
Check it out!
Hey guys! MVGEN’s own John Threat is on the awesome MARS MAGAZINE podcast , talking about Science Fiction and Data Privacy , Hacking and more on Ep. 30: Valerian, Life, Hollywood sci-fi, hacker/director John Threat on data privacy.
Check it out here:
Let us know what you think!
Aww yeah guys! It’s official. You can upload your music videos again to MVGEN Youtube Channel!
PLEASE: Don’t upload music you don’t own the rights too and if you want a video removed please email us immediately and we’ll take it down. The channel exists to promote independent artist who are getting their music out to the world.
Okay! User accounts are on their way where you will be able to control your videos a lot more including metadata, filters, collections and more (including uploading and removing videos from the MVGEN youtube channel as you see fit!)
Okay! We have to get back to work but enjoy – subscribe and spread the word!
Aww Yeah! We reached 600,000 views on Youtube !
Our youtube channel was temporarily suspended , due to a oversight , but we are back! Youtube uploads are temporarily suspended for a bit till the site is revamped , but don’t fret – it’ll be back and better than ever!
600,000 is a lot, jump over there and subscribe to hear incredibl music and great videos. Now we have the kind of traffic to help promote your music to big gigantic wide wide world.
We also have new filters in effect! Everything from Title Font Variations to VHS and Bubble Warp Filters – but I’ll address that in another post soon.
Keep making those kick ass videos kid!
Yeah! We reached YAM! Yet Another Milestone. 400,000+ Views on the MVGEN Youtube channel featuring great music and videos from artists from around the world. We Tipple our Fedoras to you!
We are stoked and so should you be – that means the videos you make and if you opt-in to send it to YouTube will get tons of views – which is really part of our larger mission: To get your music out there and heard and seen by as big of an audience as you want. We love that the videos are getting better and better!
We also made a few changes around the place with more to come. Here is a list:
Search In The Archives:
Now you can search the archives for your own videos or for other incredible videos from other artists!
New Rendering Engine:
We rebuild the rendering engine and flushed the database of all the broken GIFS. The engine flags and removes all GIFS that would cause unpredictable renders some times. Not anymore! We also changed the process for splicing the GIFS and we are super pleased with the results. There also was a change in Quicktime that needed a new render formula. Old videos will be converted to the new MP4 cross platform version soon.
One New Effect! Bubble Warp!:
Pick this and it goes all weird and warped thanks to some advanced mathematics!
Sorry for the delay on effects. I had some real world music videos that premiere in May coming out!
Also small changes like automatic naming convention for youtube/soundcloud/bandcamp, and general code improvements.
We got a huge TODO list I won’t burden you with here, but remember please consider a donation – we are trying to rock without ads for as long as possible. Your donations go toward server costs. Even a dollar or a little bitcoin means a lot! You can also consider buying a some MVGEN merchandise too!
Also please subscribe to Tumblr / Facebook / Twitter / Soundcloud / Reddit / Youtube and spread the word!
Never hesitate to email us with ideas or comments. K! Go make videos!
Whoa! We hit 100k+ On Youtube again! We love building an audience to promote music of all the fabulous artists that are making kick ass videos on our platform. Our next goal is 200k! Subscribe today and check out all the fresh visuals with amazing music from artists from all over the world.
Here is our face when we saw it click off to 100k
We also started on implementing a clean beautiful redesign which will take us in 2016. We plan to have user accounts by this spring so you can control and manage your videos better. Tons of new features coming.
Also don’t forget to donate to our bitcon or patreon funding campaign! MVGEN is free for you , but please consider a donation to our server costs matter how small!
Okay! Keep making kick ass videos! More Filters coming soon!